ANZ Bank
BSB 012 356
Account 2220 21237
MCC Good Shepherd Western Sydney
Building Fund
It is the endeavour of every Church to finally own its premises. MCC Good Shepherd is no exception. Presently our source of income stems from the weekly offering and other fund raising activities. As most denominations have benefited from bequests and donations we at MCC Good Shepherd request that you remember us in your Will. Your generous gifts will go to build a Church and outreach centre that will benefit the entire community. We envisage this centre to be a "living centre" where the community can come together to share and to care.
All donations should be marked "MCC Good Shepherd Building Fund" and sent to the Church Office, P O Box 501, Granville, NSW, 2142. These gifts are greatly appreciated. Call us. Who knows, the Sanctuary could bear your name.
Travel Fund
This special fund enables Church Delegates to attend the District Conferences (held in an Australian city), and the General Conferences held overseas. By attending these meetings Delegates bring back a wealth of knowledge to share, not only with the congregations, but also with the community at large.
It helps us all to grow into strong, caring and nurturing human beings. All donations should be marked, "MCC Good Shepherd Travel Fund" and sent to the Church Office, P O Box 501, Granville, NSW 2142
Pastor's Fund
This is a special fund that allows the Pastor to access funds to a specified limit, without Board approval, to meet emergency charitable needs for persons in distress.
All donations should be marked "Pastor's Fund" and sent to the
Church Office,
P O Box, 501,
Granville, NSW 2142
Remember us in your will